Elevate Query


This rule lets the user declare which documents they would like to see at the top of the result set for a certain search query.

How do I add a new Elevate Query?

  1. Click and open the relevancy model to which you want to add an Elevate Query. Make sure this model is in the Draft or Benchmarked state.
  2. Click on the Elevate Query label inside the model. On the right-hand side, it should display all the Elevate Queries, if any, that have already been set.
  3. Locate a circular (+) button and click on it, to bring up a menu. On the menu click 'Create a new Elevate Rule' to bring a popup.
  4. Enter the Query, the Document ID, and Rank. Here the rank is the position of the elevated document within the set of elevated documents, and not it's position within the result set.
  5. Click on Save to save the rule

Refer below screenshot to add a new elevate rule.

How do I add a document to an already existing Elevate Query?

  1. Click and open the relevancy model to which you want to add an Elevate Query. Make sure this model is in the Draft or Benchmarked state.
  2. Click on the Elevate Query label inside the model. On the right-hand side, it should display all the Elevate Queries, if any, that have already been set.
  3. Locate a circular (+) button and click on it, and this will bring up a menu. On the menu click'Add a New Document to an Elevate Rule', and this should bring a popup.
  4. In the Query drop-down, choose the Query to which you'd like to add the document to. Then enter the Document ID and Rank. Here the rank is the position of the elevated document within the set of elevated documents, and not it's position within the result set.
  5. Click on Save to save the rule.

Refer below screenshot to add document in an elevate rule,

How do I edit an Elevate Query?

Elevate Queries are not editable; you will have to delete the rule and create a new one.

How do I delete an Elevate Query?

  1. Each Elevate Query can have multiple documents associated with it, and thus the default view is where the queries are grouped together. Locate the Elevate Query where the document is located, and expand the query.
  2. Notice that at the end of each row, there is a Trash icon. Click on this to delete the rule.