Description : 3RDi Version 4.0 is coming out in Jan 2020. With this release the Infobox capabilities and Company Infobox gets some major boost, hardwiring is removed from RIO recommendations, Spell Checker improvements for HBS, etc
Count : 59
- [TDG3RDI-14980] - Studio Dashboard: space optimization for modern dashboards
- [TDG3RDI-14992] - Add logstash monitoring for production logstash
- [TDG3RDI-14996] - ML: List view should be default, "getRandom" text should not show in the text box in cluster view
- [TDG3RDI-15000] - Pipeline, Dashboard and Dataset tab: Provide "Edit Metadata" in the right click menu for entities
- [TDG3RDI-15014] - HBS Reported TDG-60: Support for Inverse relations in Scheme
- [TDG3RDI-15015] - HBS Reported TDG-60: Help Documentation not working without mouse scroll
- [TDG3RDI-15018] - HBS Reported TDG-60: Maintaining information of concept creation/update
- [TDG3RDI-15020] - HBS Reported TDG-60: Differentiate Admin search (studio right panel search) from pipeline search
- [TDG3RDI-15027] - UI Support for HBS Reported TDG-60: Edit Ontology Meta: Indexing tab will be converted to two tabs → Concepts Search and Entity Detection.
- [TDG3RDI-15028] - UI Work for HBS Reported TDG-60: Support for Inverse relations & AutoSuggest in Scheme
- [TDG3RDI-15030] - Vocab Editor: UI Support for providing typeahead for URI type predicates
- [TDG3RDI-15031] - Migrate InfoboxTemplates from in-memory to Database.
- [TDG3RDI-15032] - Display preferred label (if present) of URI type values from custom scheme's predicates.
- [TDG3RDI-15037] - HBS Reported TDG-60: Inverseof should be reflexive in Scheme Editor also
- [TDG3RDI-15107] - Retina - HBS environment deployment and validation
- [TDG3RDI-15120] - Regression and sanity test on HBS Production Client staging and TDG staging
- [TDG3RDI-14938] - Scheme Attributes to be displayed in sorted order
- [TDG3RDI-15002] - Remove Share Option from Kibana Visualization Screen
- [TDG3RDI-15026] - VocabularyAdmin: Default Predicates for indexing should be maintained and displayed for each new Ontology
- [TDG3RDI-15055] - Vocab skos editor: Provide copy URI provision
- [TDG3RDI-14742] - Include latest models (last update date of model) setting is not working
- [TDG3RDI-14961] - Studio Modern Dashboard - pretty labels to all fields from the dashboard widgets
- [TDG3RDI-14962] - When user view the metadata of larger ontologies ("Hbs cms ips companies v2") system shows the blank fields in Details tab
- [TDG3RDI-14964] - Ontology Editor SKOS– Clear button is partially overlapping the + button from right and therefore, while attempting to add, it clears the content instead of adding
- [TDG3RDI-14965] - Without selecting model and field user able to import the queries and ratings in the suite
- [TDG3RDI-14971] - Ontology Editor- Preferred Label EDIT is Not displaying validation if only Space is entered.
- [TDG3RDI-14975] - Schemes dont show up in SKOS editor when page is refreshed and ontology's title is double clicked to be explored
- [TDG3RDI-14976] - System doesn't display the meta-data view when user select the ontology after visiting schemes tab
- [TDG3RDI-14977] - Vocabulary Search in Concepts: Search result displayed all concepts searched but not in alphabetical sequential order
- [TDG3RDI-14978] - Issue with queries 3M and 3M Corporation
- [TDG3RDI-14993] - RIO: Need to change year from Copyright to @2020
- [TDG3RDI-14997] - SolrUrl For Cloud based services is incorrect in the request in Docsets
- [TDG3RDI-14998] - Remove Query DB connection to be ended properly
- [TDG3RDI-15003] - HBS Reported TDG-58 -Part1 : Vocab SKOS Editor: Breadcrumb is not seen or is redundant and value is not refreshed after performing search from the right panel.
- [TDG3RDI-15004] - HBS Reported TDG-59 : Left panel search in reverse alpha order
- [TDG3RDI-15005] - Left panel search treats special characters as regex rather than as part of text
- [TDG3RDI-15007] - Back to Dashboard list button is missing with Traditional Dashboard explore view
- [TDG3RDI-15008] - Partial search in Right Panel shows more accurate results after less accurate results
- [TDG3RDI-15009] - Ontology : (Performance) Duplicate, Multiple sessions of SNOWMED CT Concepts are created due to performance, Action: refresh while loading
- [TDG3RDI-15016] - Vocabulary Upload: Multiple values get uploaded for a field defined as SingleValued in Schema
- [TDG3RDI-15017] - Scheme: Default SKOS format for upload and download should be Turtle(ttl)
- [TDG3RDI-15019] - Ontology Editor: Sufficient Space is available in Ontology Breadcrumb but still the terms are displaying in next line
- [TDG3RDI-15024] - Vocab SKOS Editor: Delete Concept should not be allowed though skos Related, Only Delete Link should be allowed
- [TDG3RDI-15033] - SCHEMES Export/Import -User exports a schem from one scheme to another, the seqence of Atrributes in target scheme does NOT match the same as of Source Scheme
- [TDG3RDI-15040] - Vocab Editor(15030-typeahead) : After selecting an Existing URI, it is Not allowing to add the New URI.
- [TDG3RDI-15045] - Vocab Editor(15030-typeahead) : User is able to ADD the current selected concept URL in the Newly aded Predicate
- [TDG3RDI-15047] - Retina: Need to change year from Copyright to @2020
- [TDG3RDI-15050] - ONT Edit Meta Data : In Concept Search and Entitiy Detection Page, the NEXT button is always disabled
- [TDG3RDI-15051] - Ontology Editor- Scheme Editor having InverseRelationship set, DELETE the URI data is not removing it from the Target Concept & viceversa
- [TDG3RDI-15054] - Ontology Editor: Issue in editing the value in MLV integer field
- [TDG3RDI-15056] - Ontology: Vocab editor (Intermittent) Escape double quotes in auto suggest query
- [TDG3RDI-15057] - Ontology Meta-Data: Update ConceptSearch and EntityDetection configs for locked Ontologies
- [TDG3RDI-15058] - Ontology Editor: Unable to search concept name with double quotes and non-english in Exact Match
- [TDG3RDI-15059] - Ontology Editor: Right Panel search for concept names containing Stopwords
- [TDG3RDI-15067] - Vocab edit metadata: Predicates are not loading properly
- [TDG3RDI-15068] - Edit Metadata : Entity Detection tab >> sometimes predicates list checkboxes are not checking automatically when user check the select all pedicates checkbox
- [TDG3RDI-15073] - Taxonomy search (RHS): for exact match search, there should be no check for minimum characters.
- [TDG3RDI-15076] - HBS Reported TDG 69: Contributor is not reflecting
- [TDG3RDI-15082] - Dashboards: Not able to scroll to the vertical end of the iframe