Relevancy Rules

Relevancy Rules are the filters/rules which will help you to tweak your search results.

Relevancy rules are categorized in two types:

  1. Matching Rules
  2. Ranking Rules

Matching Rules

As the name suggests, these rules tweak the result set based on matching configurations. There are two types of Matching Rules:

  1. Basic Settings
  2. Semantic Settings

Ranking Rules

These are the type of rules which impact the relevance order of documents. There are 9 different types of ranking rules that we can create to help shape the relevancy of your search:

  1. Field Phrasing & Boosts
  2. Function Rule
  3. Query Rules
  4. Significant Terms
  5. Elevate Query
  6. Exclude Query
  7. Signals Rule
  8. Personalization Rule
  9. Advanced Rule