Signals Rule


This is a set of standard configurations to improve your search by understanding the searcher's interests and using clickthrough data. By analyzing users’ behavior from clickthrough data, the system can infer which results the users will prefer over other results at a particular time. This is a relative preference, not a preference on an absolute scale.

How do I add/edit/delete Signals Rule?

Signals rule contains three types of rules, as given below:

1. Popular Topics

Popular Topics are calculated per query. If a particular document of a query is getting clicked multiple times by different users, then we consider that document as a popular document for a query. All the topics associated with that document are considered as popular documents. While getting popular topics for a query, we match that query with queries recorded in the past. This match can be an exact match or a conceptual match, depending upon the users choice. Here, the user needs to specify the following parameters:

  1. Field name - Topics will be picked.
  2. Boost scale – It will decide the boost value for each topic.
  3. Number of topics – This value will be used to select top topics.

2. Popular Documents

If a document of a query is getting clicked multiple times by different users, then we consider that document as a popular document for a query. While getting popular documents for a query, we match that query with queries recorded in the past. This match can be an exact match or a conceptual match depending upon the users’ choice.

  1. Boost scale – It decides the boost value for each topic.
  2. Number of Documents – It is used to select the top documents.

3. Trending Documents

Trending documents are not query specific. These are the popular documents which users have clicked in particular time interval.

  1. Range – It is the date range from which trending documents will be considered.
  2. Boost scale – It decides the boost value for each topic.
  3. Number of Trending Documents – It is used to select top trending documents.

You can use the checkbox to enable/disable any of the above rule types. Once you enter all the required values, click on the Save button to save your preferences.